Lets Play House

October 22, 2013 § 2 Comments


In the last photograph, you can see me entertaining my imaginary friends. One personality for each corner of my mind. You may not see but the whole room is crowded. So much it leads out the doorway.


October 16, 2013 § Leave a comment

Today is a day, is a day, is a day
Today is a day like no other day,
Though today feels like every other day,
I know today is today… and not yesterday,
But who’s to say no every day is exactly the same,
For every day I wake, I say
Today is a day, is a day, is a day


Al Cuppucino

October 11, 2013 § Leave a comment

Enzo Ficco and Nicole Gregurek’s appearance at the Forum Theater for the Melbourne Gangsters Ball in 2012.

Caught on camera by Cable Williams and Kurt Ingwersen on a Super 8. A millions thank-you’s.

The Captain’s Palace

October 6, 2013 § 1 Comment

Depending on who the viewer is more familiar with I have noticed when people look at a photograph they can be very one sided over the photographer and model. The thing is there really is no answer to who was a bigger influence toward getting the perfect picture. You are seeing an image that captures the relationship between the photographer and model. Image

Photographer: Peter Coulson

This photograph was taken at Peter Janson’s, Rutherglen house. Mr Janson is the wonderful man who started, “Fashion on the Field” at the races. He was sweet enough to let Peter and I work in his home, which is decorated with furniture ranging from the Gilded Age to the 21st Century. My favorite photograph was the most simple picture we took. I am wearing one of Janson’s beautiful sofas… or it is wearing me! But those pictures may take a few more days to be released.

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